Synopsis: Nora Grey is just an ordinary girl who goes to an ordinary school, but when she meets Patch she finds out he's anything but. As she becomes more drawn to him against her better judgement she doesn't know whether she can trust after a series of strange encounters but does she really want to find out the truth?
Review: As soon as I started reading I realised the similarities between Hush, Hush and Twilight were striking, the love story, even the biology room where they first met, but as I read on I found out this story is a lot more in depth and intriguing and not a sparkle in sight.
Patch is the ultimate in desire, dark and brooding he draws you in with his wicked smile and easy stance. You cannot figure out whether he's good or bad and it's compulsive reading to say the least.
Nora on the other hand is not as annoying and miserable as Bella was but is still slightly irritating in her attitude towards Patch sort of like will she, won't she?
The story itself lacks where the characters more than makes up for, it has no real structure and it's all surrounded by Nora and Patch and their tug of war "friendship". The ending was very anticlimactic and it didn't tie up the loose ends as well as I would of hoped for but I'm still looking forward to reading the next installment to see how the "friendship" progresses and where the story would go from here.
Overall Score: 3.5/5 although weak in places, the character structure more than makes up where the story lacks.
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