Monday, 11 July 2011

Cupcake Obsession!

Ok lets take a time out from all the depressing stuff and for the last week I've had a bit of a obsession with baking cakes and my favourite recipe was the marble chocolate one's and I think I had a few too many :D I loved it so much I think I'll share the recipe with you guys. It's from a book called Cupcakes and Muffins and it's the best £1.99 I've ever spent.
Marbled Chocolate Cupcakes
Makes 21
Ingredients Needed: 
175g of Soft Margerine, 
175g of Caster Sugar, 
3 Eggs
175g of Self Raising Flour, 
2 Tbsp of Milk, 
55g Melted Plain Chocolate. 

What to do! 
First of all you need to put 21 paper baking cases into a muffin tin. 
Next put the sugar, margarine, eggs, flour and milk into a larger mixing bowl and whisk together until smooth and blended. 
Equally divide the mixture into 2 bowls and add the melted chocolate into one bowl and stir until smoothly blended, next using a teaspoon alternate the two mixtures into each paper cases putting about 4 half teaspoons in each paper case. 
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 and bake for 20 minutes and springy to touch, transfer to wire rack and wait till they cool before chomping on a couple of them. 

I hope everybody enjoys the recipe I certainly did! 

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like a delicious recipe! I'll need to give it a go!
