Thursday, 14 July 2011

My trip to Barcelona

On my 21st birthday I managed to fulfill my dream of going to Barcelona to see Antonio Gaudi's work, granted it was with my knob head ex boyfriend but hey you cannot be picky all the time.

It didn't exactly get off to a good start when the Pilot said Happy Birthday to me over the mike and I didn't realise it was for me, yes I was clapping and said "ee I didn't know it was someone else's birthday on here" even thought he said my name, not to mention to top it all off I was hysterical on take off. Very. Embarrassing.

It kind of went down hill from there, the "5 star" hotel we were supposed to stay in turned out it was the one across the road instead and upon arriving to the room I stumped my toe and blood went everywhere (no joke). I was almost run over crossing the road even though the light was on red and the taxi drive was the most frightening I'd ever taken.

We were propositioned by a group of kids trying to get money out of us, an old guy looked down my top and did not try to hide it, I got vertigo at the top of the tower at the cathedral and had to come straight back down after paying 10 euros.

My boyfriend was only interested in spray paint and had to travel to the same shop everyday, and a man walked past us completely naked with his dongle hanging low, well his wasn't completely naked he was wearing shoes and I came back whiter than when I went.

Apart from that, great trip.

I'm wondering if anybody else has had a worse trip?

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to go to Barcelona, but that doesn't sound like a good trip at all!
